What's On
We welcome all Members, Affiliates and guests of members to take part in the regular events and entertainment at the Porirua RSA.
Thursday Evenings
Every Thursday, it is "member's draw" evening and also raffle night. You need to be at the club, and have this year’s valid membership card on you to be in the Member's draw.
Some lucky member may win the draw. We also run raffles of fresh meat and poultry.
Friday Evenings
We also have 3 lucky member’s draws. Each win a $20 bar tab. Simply enter with every purchase you make. Hourly draws from 5.30pm.
Also a cash raffle is available on Friday night.

Our punters club operates, so come and see if the selected punter can beat the odds and increase our winnings. Join in with our loyal punters and enjoy the company and have a flutter.